Short Stories & Anthologies
A range of short fiction and feature articles across the decades.
Wulgarra, as Jim Delaney, The West Australian, 18/1/92
A fictional account of a wrongful murder conviction in the Kimberley, written from the prosecuting detective’s perspective.
The Jacaranda Tree, as Jim Delaney, The West Australian, 23/5/92
Rueful memories of childhood friendships.
Promises of the Past, Summer Shorts Anthology, Fremantle Press, 1993
A young man tells the story of his great-aunt’s trip to the Kimberley in the 1910s, as the intended of a young pastoralist; a marriage that never happens.
This story reappears in remarkably similar form in my novel The Brothers Wolfe.
Kimberley Christmas, Summer Shorts Anthology, Fremantle Press, 1994, republished in Blokes: Stories from Australian Lives, FP, 1998
Remembering a mad Christmas feast of fresh killer on the banks of the Fitzroy River.
Jandamarra in Translation, Kimberley Stories Anthology, Fremantle Press, 2012
An account of the work I did with Bunuba women translating for the Jandamarra stage play.
The Consummate Competitor, Australia’s Game Anthology, Slattery Media Group, 2013.
An extract from the Polly Farmer biography.