Jandamarra Sing for the Country, Sydney Opera House 2014
“The performance by the Yilimbirri Ensemble, the combined Gondwana Choirs, soloists, actors and the Sydney Symphony was a triumph of collaboration.”
– Peter McCallum, Sydney Morning Herald
Jandamarra Sing for the Country; Ngalanyba Muwayi.u
The Jandamarra journey was not over yet. Late in 2011, I was approached by Sydney composer Paul Stanhope. Paul had been commissioned by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra in partnership with Gondwana Choirs, to write a new work. At the time I could not have told you what a cantata was, but one thing led to another. I became a librettist, adapting the play script for this new form. Once again the women who had helped me create the play scripts played critical roles, and this time round we were able to incorporate a range of Bunuba songs, including the beautiful Dirrari Lament, composed by Patsy, June and Selina’s grandmother, Molly Jalakbiya.
It was a thrilling journey, with an astounding outcome: “an important milestone in Australian classical music,” according to Murray Black in The Australian. Taking a standing ovation with Paul and Phil and the assembled performers on the Sydney Opera House stage was, indeed, a career highlight.
Standing ovation at The Sydney Opera House
A triumph of collaboration
After a three year journey of development, Jandamarra - Sing for the Country; Ngalanyba Muwayi.u was performed at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on July 16, 17 and 18.
Ten dancers and singers from the Yilimbirri Ensemble and four actors from the Jandamarra stage play joined with an astounding array of choirs under the auspices of the Gondwana Choirs, and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, to present a remarkable performance that brought tears to the eyes of the audience, and standing ovations.
– Bunuba Cultural Enterprises, 22 July 2014
The work was dedicated to three much loved elders: Adam Andrews, the creator of the Yilimbirri Junba; Hazel Hawke, a patron of the SSO and mother of librettist Steve Hawke; and Molly Jalakbiya, the creator of the Dirrari Lament.
“Jandamarra — Sing for the Country is … an impressive and important milestone in Australian classical music.”
“Actors Patsy Bedford and Margaret Mills were full of warmth, character and emotion. The moment when they came together as one and started the Dirrari lament for the fallen Jandamarra was deeply poignant … Emmanuel Brown was an excellent Jandamarra, here, there and everywhere – including the organ loft ... an enclave of Bunuba singers and musicians offer[ed] evocative vocal and percussive contributions.”
“Stanhope’s dramatic, approachable score includes traditional music from the Kimberley to great effect, and the Yilimbirri singers made a powerful contribution to the performance.”
“Stanhope … is blessed with the musical common touch – that rare ability to combine sophistication with accessibility and a gift for works that thrive on community involvement.”
“The libretto’s mix of terse prose and mythic poet¬ry poignantly evoked the stark clash of cultures.”
“The Gondwana choirs, under their long-time founding director, Lyn Williams, covered themselves with glory. From the exposed prelude, ‘This Land is Full of Spirits’, to the grand finale, ‘This is Our Home’, they sang with beauty, accuracy, clarity, and superb diction.”
“That the story and partnership answered a thirst was all too clear from the standing ovation at the end.”
“The audience’s overwhelmingly positive response at the final performance, which I attended and which I understand was equalled at the two previous ones, should give us hope that this ambitious collaborative work will soon be heard again.”
Images from the production
The program from the 2014 Cantata